On August 19, according to Decrypt, well-known investor Kevin O'Leary said that the winner of the November presidential election is not that important for the future digital asset regulatory framework in the United States. "This is becoming a bipartisan consensus. Whoever is in the White House, we will have crypto policy."
Od一键式人工智能加密货币永续交易 DEX 平台 Rollie Finance 宣布完成种子轮融资,Animoca Brands 旗下风投机构 Animoca Ventures、M77 Ventures、Scroll 联合创始人 Sandy Peng、Wombat Exchange 创始人 Alex Lee 和 RSS3 首席运营官 Kate Wong 参投,具体金额暂未披露。Rollie Finance 主要面向移动端用户,基于 AI 分析实时链上数据为用户提供交易建议,新资金将用于进一步完善 Rol